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Food News Fast – February 25th, 2013


(Source: Flickr)

Writer Michael Moss looks closely at the science of addictive junk food. As one man tells a room of big food executives, ”If anyone in the food industry ever doubted there was a slippery slope out there. I imagine they are beginning to experience a distinct sliding sensation right about now.” [NY Times Magazine]

As part of group Food Forward, “Glean Teams” are distributing unsold, donated foods from farmers’ markets to the people who need it most. [Grist]

Civil Eats’ posted a new video featuring Dr. Vandana Shiva talking about Monsanto, seed saving, and farmer suicides in India.

People are eating thrown-out food…that has been left in the fields by retailers who’d rather let food rot than sell less than “perfect” merchandise. Do we really have food shortages or standards that are too high to allow us to feed everyone? [Al Jazeera]

Marion Nestle talks about the rumors that the White House itself is holding up calorie labeling in movie theaters. [Food Politics Blog]

The EU has decided that feeding dead animals to fish is okay. [Center for a Livable Future Blog]

India’s farmers beat crop yield records without GMO intervention. There goes that often cited pro-Monsanto argument. [Grist]

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